Backed by peer-reviewed research, written by scientists at Harvard, Stanford and the Mayo Clinic

Mouth-Watering New Weight Loss Gummies Melt 27 Pounds of Fat In 30 Days

REVEALED: Why some people can stay naturally slim despite eating all the carbs, sweets,
and sugar their heart desires...

... and how this new fat loss discovery allows you to do the same without cutting carbs
or starving your sweet tooth!

REVEALED: Why some people can stay naturally slim despite eating all the carbs, sweets,
and sugar their heart desires...

... and how this new fat loss discovery allows you to do the same without cutting carbs
or starving your sweet tooth!

Dear reader,

Carbs and sweets are what make you gain weight...

But what if you could still eat carbs and sweets and still lose weight?

Wouldn't it be ideal if you could snack on something sweet and delicious...

Whenever the mood struck you...

Whether it's with your morning coffee... as a mid-afternoon snack...  or even dessert...

... and STILL burn off all those unwanted pounds from your neck, arms, belly, hips, and thighs?

It sounds impossible, right?

That's what I thought.

But in the next few minutes, I'm going to explain how these mouth-watering new weight loss gummies...
Will help you do exactly that.

Just like they did for Maya, who used them to drop a whopping 134 pounds…
Or Bob, who melted off 187 pounds and said "This was so easy I thought I was missing something, I kept asking: Where have these gummies been all my life??"
Or Lynn, who dropped 54 pounds and reported that "I love these gummies! They tastes amazing and help me lose weight.  The even kill my hunger pangs! I can literally feel it working as soon as I pop it in my mouth.  Don't change a thing!"

But before I go any further - let me ask you something...

Have you ever had a "skinny friend" who was able to stay naturally slim 24/7...

Despite eating basically whatever and whenever they wanted?

I know I have.

(Her name's Michelle. She's a 57-year-old grandmother who's never been to the gym, LOVES having a slice of chocolate cake every day for dessert... has been a size 4 all her life... and somehow still looks fit enough to be on a magazine cover.)


Folks like you and me are constantly counting calories, cycling carbs, and chaining ourselves to the treadmill...

Unable to shed a single freaking pound.

It doesn't seem fair, does it?

Well, fortunately for us...

Scientists have finally pinpointed the weight loss secret keeping our "skinny friends" fit and slim without even trying.

And I promise it's going to shock you.

But before you start to think I'm crazy...

This stunning metabolic breakthrough is backed by peer-reviewed research written by scientist at Harvard, Stanford, and the Mayo Clinic.
Along with real world results from thousands of everyday folks just like you.

All I ask is that you give me a few moments to prove it to you.

So keep reading, because it doesn’t matter what your age is or how many pounds you have to lose…

I promise this astonishingly powerful fat-burning secret is the simple solution you’ve been searching for.
Hi, my name’s Kriss Berg.

I’m the founder of a natural health company called Fitera. 

We’re proud to have helped 628,340 men and women all across the country lose weight and get healthy, fast.

Now let's start at the beginning...

If I didn't lose weight fast...

My Doctor Warned Me I’d Be Dead Before I Turned 45...

I tried to slam on the brakes, but it was too late.

I heard a loud crunch and the sound of metal smashing.

Then my head smashed into the airbags and my vision went black.
When I woke up, there was an angry man screaming at me through the window.

I couldn’t tell exactly what he was saying because of the ringing in my ears...

But the paramedics pushed him aside, put me on a stretcher, and wheeled me into the ambulance.
I closed my eyes again, and when I woke up, I was in the hospital.
“Mr. Berg, do you remember what happened?” the doctor asked.
I shook my head.

They told me I’d passed out at the wheel as I exited off the freeway.

That’s when I accidentally rammed into the car in front of me.
My car was wrecked.

“You’re lucky to have survived,” the doctor said.

“We’re going to run a few tests on you to see why you blacked out.”

When the results came back, I could tell by the look on my doctor’s face that it wasn’t good.
I was 46 pounds overweight.

My blood pressure and cholesterol were off the charts.

Plus I was borderline diabetic with a history of heart trouble.
“I’m not sure exactly how to say this, Mr. Berg, but… you’ve got the body of an 80-year-old man. I’m afraid if you don’t do something, you’ll be dead before you’re 45,” he said.
I was only 37 years old at the time.

I was stunned.

Immediately, I thought of my wife and kids.

The idea of abandoning them made me sick to my stomach.

“What do I have to do, doc?” I asked.
“You need to drop at least 20 pounds ASAP,” he said. “And 25 or 30 would be better.”
Then he went on to explain what had happened to me...

“The excess body fat you’re carrying is driving your blood pressure and cholesterol through the roof… and it’s gotten so bad that it’s literally choking off blood supply to your brain. That’s why you passed out.”

He revealed that if I didn’t start losing weight right away... 

It was going to keep happening.
“The next time you might not be so lucky. You could be in the kitchen cooking dinner for your wife, or in the backyard playing with your kids, then all of a sudden… BAM. You could have a heart attack or stroke. It could be deadly,” he warned.
That’s when he handed me a folder.

“This is your wake up call, Mr Berg. Do this for the next few months and you might still live to see your kids grow old.”

I said okay.

“I’ll see you back here in six months for your follow-up,” he replied.

A few days later, they released me from the hospital.

I hugged my wife and kids as hard as I could and promised them I was going to get healthy.

But the plan my doctor gave me was pretty light on specifics.

Eat three to five small meals a day…

Take the stairs instead of riding the elevator…

Do a light workout every other day... 

I did my best to follow along.


Two Weeks After Starting On My Doctor’s Fat Loss Plan, I Hadn’t Dropped a Single Pound

I stepped on the scale to see if I’d lost any weight, but it hadn’t budged.

That’s when I knew I needed to dial things up a notch.

I had 46 pounds of stubborn fat that needed to be gone — yesterday.

I was determined to lose that weight come hell or high water.

So I tossed the folder into the garbage.
And over the next three months, I tried everything I could think of.

Gruelling workouts that left me drenched in sweat…

Crash diets like keto and intermittent fasting…

Gross-tasting meal replacement shakes…

Juice cleanses and weird detox teas…
Basically any new diet, pill, or exercise regime I saw in a magazine or on TV, I tried.

But after 90 days of working my tail off and worrying about my weight 24/7...

I ended up four pounds HEAVIER than when I started.

In that moment, I was ready to quit.

“How am I ever gonna lose this weight?” I thought to myself.

To add insult to injury...

My energy levels crashed. I couldn’t focus. I struggled to sleep through the night.

My little soldier stopped standing at attention in the morning too.

I felt ashamed whenever I caught my reflection in the mirror.

And I could see the look of disinterest in my wife’s eyes anytime we were in the bedroom.

I couldn’t blame her for it, of course...

But that sent my confidence and self-esteem down the toilet.

Yet no matter how hard I tried to starve myself... 

I still couldn’t lose any weight.

If anything, I looked and felt even flabbier than when I started.

 Then, one day, my son came running into the bathroom to let me know it was time for dinner.

He took one look at me and said something that stung me so bad I thought I was going to cry...
“Dad... why are you so fat?”
Now he hadn’t seen me without my shirt on for a while…

Because I’d been hiding my body from him.

But I’d forgotten to lock the bathroom door...

And when I heard those words come out of his mouth, it broke my heart.

That was the final straw.

Looking into his eyes and fighting back tears, I knew I couldn’t give up yet.

Because I wasn’t just doing this for myself.

My wife and kids were counting on me too.

However, it was time to stop listening to all the paid celebrities and so-called diet gurus and time to start doing my own research instead.

That decision led me on a long journey through hundreds of scientific journals and clinical papers over the next few months…

And exposed some eye-opening new facts about fat loss that literally saved my life.

It all started with...

Mayo Clinic Study Reveals Why Some People Naturally Burn Up to 40% More Calories Per Day

The average person burns about 1800 calories per day.


A recent study at the Mayo Clinic found that some people can burn up to 700 extra calories per day — WITHOUT exercising. (1)

Here’s what happened...

Researchers took a group of healthy people and fed them 1,000 extra calories per day for 8 weeks…

Above and beyond what it would take for them to maintain their current weight…

Expecting them to gain a lot of body fat in the process.

And guess what?

Some of them did… but others didn’t.

The researchers were mystified.

So after analyzing everyone’s metabolism... 

They discovered some of the study’s participants (aka the skinny ones) could burn up to 700 more calories per day than those who gained weight...

Thanks to something called NEAT or “non-exercise activity thermogenesis.”

Basically, their metabolic furnace ran at a much higher rate…

Burning off ALL the excess calories they were eating…

Without storing a lick of it as body fat.

Clear evidence that we’re not all playing with the same deck of cards.
This was the first piece of the puzzle that finally clicked into place.

And the scientific breakthrough behind these tasty weight loss gummies I'm about to share allows you to harness the built-in power of your metabolic furnace…

Just like the participants in this study...

So you can ramp up your body’s fat-burning engine to full force and melt off unwanted flab automatically.

Now that I had a working hypothesis...

I went looking for more evidence to back up my theory.

That's when I stumbled across...

Brown Fat Cells: 
The Secret Behind Your Skinny Friend's Fast Metabolism

Up until recently, scientists assumed fat cells only had one purpose…

Storing excess calories.
But new research reveals we actually have TWO types of fat cells…

White fat and brown fat.

White fat cells are responsible for storing excess calories...
But brown fat cells are responsible for BURNING excess calories.

In other words...

The more WHITE fat you have, the slower your metabolism is…

And the more BROWN fat you have, the faster your metabolism is. (3)

This finally explains why some folks have naturally faster metabolisms…

They’re simply blessed with better genes and more brown fat than the rest of us.

That's what makes their NEAT so much higher.

Now here’s an easy way you can tell if you’ve got less brown fat…
Burning more calories also generates body heat...

So if you’re someone who’s cold all the time and always throwing on a sweater, even when it’s warm outside…

Then you’ve probably got less brown fat.

Don’t worry though…
Because the delicious weight loss gummies you're about to discover contain a hidden ingredient that’s been shown to CONVERT white fat into brown fat.

Let me explain how...

Ancient African Grain Ignites Your Metabolism By Converting White Fat into Brown Fat

My research led me to an exotic ingredient found only in the cradle of civilization.

You see, for centuries...

West Africans have used something called “Grains of Paradise” as a natural remedy for all kinds of ailments…

Things like digestive trouble, cognitive decline, even low libido...

But scientists recently isolated a specific compound inside Grains of Paradise…
Called Paradoxine.

And they discovered this ancient grain extract can actually “brown” our white fat stores.

In other words…

This nutrient can torch bloated fat cells that store excess calories as ugly flab...

And convert them into fat-burning brown cells instead.

Just like roasting a marshmallow over a campfire.
The end result is that your metabolic furnace naturally burns faster and hotter...

Effortlessly melting away body fat…

With any extra effort.

Several human trials have been conducted on this fat-burning nutrient since its stunning discovery.

The first one took 19 healthy women and split them into two groups.
One group received 30mg of this exotic ingredient per day, while the other got a placebo.

Over the next four weeks, their diet and exercise patterns were closely monitored…

To make sure they were tightly controlled.

By the end of the study, the group taking this nutrient saw their metabolism skyrocket by a whopping 27%...

And melted off an entire inch of stubborn belly fat at the same time. (8)

Without spending any time on the treadmill or even doing a single push-up.

Another recent study on this fat-incinerating nutrient published in the British Journal of Nutrition... 

Found that it can boost metabolism even MORE...

Participants taking it burned an astonishing 40% more calories just 30 minutes after ingesting it. (9)

Which lines up perfectly with the figures from the Mayo Clinic study I mentioned earlier.

That was all the proof I needed.

I was convinced that Paradoxine was the secret to trading places with my skinny friends who can fit and slim without even trying.

Next, I started looking for something that could amplify the effects of this nutrient even more...

That's when I came across this...

Strange Seed Shuts Down Hunger Hormones So You Can Finally  Control Your Cravings

While I was investigating ancient African remedies...

I found another exotic ingredient called Griffonia Simplicifolia.

It’s a tough little shrub with strange seeds that look like this…

Similar to the nutrient I mentioned before, native tribes have used these strange-looking seeds as a natural remedy for hundreds of years...

And now, science is finally catching up to them
Because it turns out, these seeds contain a natural form of something called 5-HTP.

And without getting too science-y....

This incredible phytonutrient has been shown to:

1 - Shut down hunger hormones 🤤📉

2 - Increase happy hormones 😊📈

As you can imagine...

Out of control hunger hormones are what cause cravings for carbs and sweets.

But when you can shut them down, weight loss becomes effortless.

For instance...

One study of overweight diabetic patients found that 2 weeks of this craving-crushing nutrient supplementation led them to melt off 5 to7 pounds of pure body fat...

Even though they were allowed to eat AS MUCH as they wanted for the entire duration of the study! (10)

Another randomized controlled trial of overweight women found that 4 weeks of taking this supplement decreased hunger even more…

Automatically reducing appetite and caloric intake by a shocking 38%. (11)

Proving that the benefits of this nutrient continue to compound the longer you take it.

So if you've ever struggled to KEEP the weight off after losing it...

Think of this phytonutrient like the circuit breaker for your hunger hormones.

It shuts them down at the source BEFORE they trigger a crippling power surge.

Plus it makes you feel happier and more confident in your own skin by "upregulating" your happy hormones.

“This is it,” I thought to myself.

I’d finally cracked the code.

I realized that by COMBINING these two powerful nutrients...

I could create a dual action fat-burner that might just save me from an early grave.

And latest studies show...

Now You Can Boost the Results of These Powerful Ingredients By Taking Them Together

The next frontier in health research is something called “nutrient synergy.”

What this means is…

The effects of individual ingredients that lead to similar results can be amplified...

Simply by taking them together. (12)

In other words…

The sum of the whole becomes greater than the parts.

So I started looking for a manufacturer that could source and combine my two critical nutrients into a single formulation.

I had 3 basic criteria:
  • The ingredients had to come from the purest sources on Earth to guarantee maximum potency and effectiveness.
  • This new recipe had to be formulated in a FDA-approved facility that follows Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).
  • ​It had to be convenient and delicious so I enjoyed taking it each day.

After I got out of the hospital, I had to start taking a bunch of different vitamins for my health issues.

Anywhere from 10 to 17 different vitamins a day.

And to be honest, I’m sick of it. I don’t want to take any more horse pills.

So I asked the manufacturer to formulate it into a delicious gummy instead.

A few weeks later, the first samples arrived.

I started taking it twice a day and...

I Started Feeling the Fat-Burning Effects Almost Immediately

As soon as I put the first gummy in my mouth, my tongue started tingling.

My body temperature started to rise…

Even my scalp felt a little funny.

It was kinda weird, I have to admit...

But after a few days, I could literally FEEL my brown fat cells buzzing.

I began to feel the heat rise in my body as my metabolism burned hotter...
In the mornings, I noticed a powerful new urge to get things done around the house and in the office…

Along with the energy and focus I needed to stay sharp all day long.

It was obvious that my fat-burning engine was revving up and shifting into a new gear.

My junk food cravings disappeared too.
I stopped feeling hungry all the time...

And the best part was, I was still able to satisfy my sweet tooth thanks to these sweet little gummies.

So I didn’t feel like I was denying myself any of life’s normal pleasures.

One single gummy was all I needed.

Pretty soon, I started noticing my clothes start to fit better.

My pants were looser around the waist…

For the first time since high school, I started to notice some muscle tone and definition…

And I wasn’t even working out.

Then one day after work, I was in the bedroom changing out of my work clothes…

When suddenly, my wife came in, slammed the door shut, and jumped my bones.

It was the first time in a LONG time we had any fun between the sheets…

But seeing that spark of desire in her eyes again made me feel so confident and proud.
It was amazing.

So finally, about a month into my new experiment…

I decided to step back on the scale.

Astonishingly, I had lost a total of 27 pounds in less than 30 days.

And it happened just in time for my six-month follow up appointment.
When I walked in the door, my doctor couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Kriss, you look incredible!” he said.
I chuckled and said thanks.

“So that plan I gave you… it worked out for you then?” he asked.

“Not exactly,” I said.

I told him about the discoveries I’d made and the new formula I’d put together.

He was skeptical.

But then he got my latest test results back, and his jaw hit the floor.

My blood pressure and cholesterol were back in normal range.

And my blood sugar levels were flawless.
“Your arteries look like someone cleaned them out with a pressure washer!”
I tried to explain what I’d learned to him, but he still couldn’t wrap his head around it.

So I promised to send him a bottle so he could give it a try and see for himself.

Meanwhile, some of my friends and family couldn’t help but notice how much I slimmed down.

They asked me what diet I was on.

When I told them I wasn’t on a diet... and that I’d just started eating these tasty little weight loss gummies instead…

They couldn’t believe it.

“Weight loss GUMMIES?? I want some!”

So I started handing them out.

Sure enough, everyone who tried them started seeing similar results.
Heck, even my 78 year old diabetic aunt was able to shed pounds after snacking on them for a few weeks.

At that point, I knew I needed to get this into the hands of as many men and women as possible.

But first, I had to perfect the formulation.

So I went back to the manufacturer and we tested tons of different recipes…

And it took us months of experimentation to find the right one, but...

Now I’m thrilled to be...





  • Sugar-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • No nuts, soy, GMO's or animal ingredients
Meet the next generation in the science of fat loss.

SlimSweets are the delicious breakthrough that finally makes the miracle of automatic and effortless weight loss available to anyone…

And inside every single mouth-watering gummy, you’ll find some of the most powerful, clinically-backed ingredients in the world today…

These dual-action ingredients can revive your sluggish metabolism…

By permanently converting white fat into brown fat...

And eliminate hunger and cravings for good...

So that you can easily melt off pounds of stubborn fat from your hips, thighs, and belly...

Get back the boundless, all-day energy you had in your youth...

Say goodbye to stiff and achy joints…

Fit back into all your favorite clothes and wear them with confidence...

And enjoy all your favorite foods 100% guilt-free.
"I would have a vicious sweet tooth after dinner. So I'd have a little piece of chocolate, or a cookie. But that wouldn't be enough, I would crave MORE. Soon I'd have another one, then another. 

Before I knew it the package would be gone. This solves that for me. I take a SlimSweet as soon as that sweet tooth strikes. And then I'm satisfied, I don't want anything else. 

I take one in the morning and I'm not hungry until lunch, no breakfast. And that's all it took for me, I lost 17 pounds in a month and I keep losing weight. Down 36 pounds so far!"

- Mike Dunleavy, 48, Portland OR

Now You Can Finally Find Out What it Feels Like to Naturally Burn Off 40% More Calories...

...and Enjoy Effortless Fat Loss That Leaves You Feeling Slim, Toned, and Youthful

Modern medicine has uncovered a breakthrough that turns your slow-as-molasses metabolism into a roaring, fat-burning furnace...

And allow you to finally experience what it's like to have a red hot metabolism 24/7.

Now, these flavorful little gummies are your first chance to get in on the action at practically no cost...

So you can…
  • STOP starving yourself
  • STOP avoiding all your favorite foods
  • STOP torturing yourself on the treadmill
  • STOP keeping a separate set of “heavy” clothes hidden in your wardrobe
  • START shedding all those unwanted pounds of fat easily and effortlessly… and keep them off FOREVER!
Each gummy combines 15 milligrams of Paradoxine, 100 milligrams of 5-HTP, and a pinch of monk fruit for a mouth-watering gummy you’ll be excited to eat after lunch and dinner.... or anytime you feel like a tasty treat.

It has ZERO sugar.

No more horse pills getting stuck in your throat or clumpy protein shakes to drink.

Just pop a SlimSweet gummy into your mouth and chew.

After all you’ve been through, you deserve a treat!
My wife loves taking one instead of her usual yogurt and berries in the morning…

Because it carries her right through till lunch without any cravings.

Personally, I like to take one wherever I feel hunger start to take over.
Whether that’s in the morning before breakfast, in between lunch and dinner, before going out to a party, or even after dinner for a tasty dessert.

SlimSweets dual-action ingredients are specifically designed to nuke your cravings when they’re at their worst…

And flip your body’s fat-burning engine to full blast.

Plus you’re sure to love the delicious goji berry flavor.

There are no fillers, soy, or GMOs…

And every single bottle is manufactured right here in the U.S.A…

In a secure, state-of-the-art, CGMP-approved facility.

Delicious Goji Berry Flavor!

Here’s What People Are Saying
After Trying SlimSweets

Here’s What People Are Saying After Trying SlimSweets

Jim Rogers of Arkansas lost 93 pounds!

Sheryl M. lost 145 pounds!

Bob Saccomanno lost 187 pounds!

Mark and Vanessa combined to lose over 200 pounds!

Lynn lost 54 pounds!

Marie lost 145 pounds!

Maya lost 178 pounds!

Janelle lost 127 pounds!

Vick lost 34 pounds!

Elias lost 27 pounds!

Jerry lost 129 pounds!

Mark lost 24 pounds!

Mike lost 37 pounds!

Julie lost 96 pounds!

"WOW you can FEEL this stuff working. I get a little bounce of energy and I can feel my body run a little warm.  It also takes any cravings or empty stomach feeling I have away in a few minutes. I love the taste too, really refreshing.  I am losing about 5 pounds a week so far!"
Rebecca, 48, Dallas TX 
"I used to take caffeine pills and they would work but boy I would feel weird. Jittery and anxious, it wasn't worth it. And my sleep was terrible. But I would lose weight, so sometimes I would just take the risk. These have me losing the same amount of weight but actually make me feel good!  So it's win win.  Thanks Kriss, I'm a big fan. "
Jerry B, 54, Montrose CO
"Look, it just works. I don't understand all the science, but it works. And I actually feel good after taking them.  Like I want to get stuff done.  Just cleaned out my closet for the first time in 5 years.  So far lost about 17 pounds, still losing.  So happy!"
Jane R, 61, Bismarck ND
I’m flooded with messages like these each and every day…

From people who can’t believe how much losing 10, 20, or even 100 pounds can turn back the clock.
Their skin looks decades younger.

They’ve got limitless energy and laser focus...

They can do things like walk, hike, golf, garden, and play tennis without pain…

They’ve got the confidence to slip back into a tight dress or pair of jeans and know they look amazing...
Plus they can treat themselves to a piece of pizza or a slice of chocolate cake as often as they want without any shame or guilt.

And I hear the same thing over and over again: people who take SlimSweets feel younger.
Now they’re able to live their best life and are enjoying a renewed sense of confidence and freedom.

The excess weight clinging to their problem areas made them feel older than their years...and filled them with shame, embarrassment, and humiliation.
All because SlimSweets fixed their metabolism.

Now I want to offer it to you, and I’ll show you how you can even qualify for 3 free bottles.

But first, you should know...

It Can Take A Very Long Time to Produce Every Single Bottle of SlimSweets

You could say SlimSweets is basically like a “time capsule in a bottle”…

Something that takes your body back to the way it was when you were young…

While helping to refresh your fat-burning metabolism at the cellular level.

Which is why...
Pretty much everyone who tries SlimSweets keeps asking for more of the stuff.

Because they never want to worry about going on another diet, fitting into their favorite pair of jeans, or looking their best ever again.

SlimSweets have also become a major hit in the medical industry...

Which is great news, of course... 

But it puts even more of a strain on production.

Especially since it takes up to 3 months to custom-create each batch. 

And as a result of the fact that SlimSweets is expensive to manufacture, takes up to 3 months to produce a single batch, and keeps selling out…

I Often Don’t Have Any SlimSweets
 Available for The Public

I Often Don’t Have Any SlimSweets Available for The Public

But that being said…

I also don’t want ANYONE to continue living through the nightmare of a sluggish metabolism...

Which is why in the next few moments…

I’ll share how you can get your hands on a brand new bottle of SlimSweets…

And how you can try it risk-free as part of our breakthrough new Beta Tester program.

But first, let me answer that other question:

How Many SlimSweets Do You
Need to Take?

How Many SlimSweets Do You Need to Take?

That’s easy...

Just take one tasty and delicious gummy at a time, twice a day, for 30 days.

The reason it’s important that you take SlimSweets for at least 30 days is very straightforward…
While the ingredients inside go to work pretty much immediately…

What all of those clinical studies have shown us…

Is that the longer you take each of the ingredients inside SlimSweets...

The more your body can benefit. 

And considering your fat stores can be notoriously difficult to penetrate…

Due to low blood supply and lack of circulation…

It’s no surprise that users who’ve seen the best results often report taking it for 90 days or more.

So you see, it just makes sense to...

Keep Taking SlimSweets
Every Day

Keep Taking SlimSweets Every Day

It’s also why so many health experts recommend that you choose at least 3 bottles of SlimSweets at a time…

And 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

Then take it for a period of at least 90 days…
That way you can absolutely guarantee that you’ve done everything you can to heal your broken metabolism….

Strip away all the dense, stubborn fat clinging to your problem areas...

Fit back into all your favorite clothes...

Look amazing no matter what you’re wearing… or even naked...
And finally see the body of your dreams smiling back at you in the mirror again.

Across the U.S., men and women who were once afraid of being sentenced to death by their aging metabolism...

Getting heavier and heavier with each passing day....
And spending the rest of their life hiding under baggy clothes out of sheer embarrassment...

They’re calling SlimSweets a gift from God...

And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them. 

Using SlimSweets Really Can Feel Like You’ve Just Hit the Rewind Button On Life…

Something that lets you travel back in time, to make up for lost opportunities, to get a second chance…

Every day you take your two SlimSweets gummies...

It’s another day of living life without regret…

Because you’ve taken a huge, important step to make sure you have both the physical and mental energy needed to step into the strongest, healthiest, and happiest version of yourself. 

And when you consider that SlimSweets really can do all of this for you…

You can probably understand why my supplier demanded that I set the price of this breakthrough at $119 per bottle…

Which I think is quite fair…

Especially considering that most SlimSweets users I’ve spoken to have spent thousands of dollars on crash diets and fitness equipment over the years.

But even though I know we could charge $249 for a bottle of SlimSweets and I’d still sleep soundly at night…

I’ll be honest:

I’m not getting rich off this.

I make just enough to pay for my costs and have a little extra in the bank for my efforts. 

That's all I ask for, I don't need mansions and Ferraris. 

I just want to earn a fair wage for my time and to help more men and women enjoy the roaring metabolism and effortless fat loss they deserve.


I’m Not Doing This 
For the Money

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…

And say “YES” to the scientific miracle that is SlimSweets…

You won’t need to spend $119 for a bottle…or even $99…

And why instead, by taking action today...

You can order SlimSweets for as little as $29.50 per bottle. 

Delicious Goji Berry Flavor!

Regular Price


per bottle

Offer Price


per bottle

Plus You Can Qualify For 
These FREE Bonuses

Get My Fast Track To Fat Loss System FREE

Since I lost the weight and became a certified coach, I have helped THOUSANDS of people lose weight with this system.  

This is the PERFECT compliment to SlimSweets, a step-by-step plan to accelerate your weight loss results without strenuous exercise, bizarre diets, or dangerous drugs. 

And You'll Get LIFETIME Access To My Online Community 

With over a decade of experience, I know that no matter how well a supplement works, people still support and motivation.  

That is exactly what my online community is.  Me and my certified coaches will guide you every step of the way. 

And our weekly meal plans and online 20-minute workouts make it as easy as 1-2-3.  

Plus our contests with cash prizes will give you that extra boost you need to finally lose the weight forever.

And That’s Just the Beginning

You see…

Because so many of the studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside SlimSweets…

The more you could benefit from them…

And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of SlimSweets at a time…

That way they can share them with their family and friends as well…

I’m giving you the chance to lock in an even deeper discount during this beta-test period.

Which means...

Right Now When You Stock Up 
On SlimSweets…

Right Now When You Stock Up On  SlimSweets…

  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • And you’ll save $177.00 on your order
  • PLUS qualified orders will receive our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Lifetime Access to the Online Communit!
  • And you’ll save $237.00 on your order
  • You’ll also get our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Online Community Access FREE

All Orders Of SlimSweets Also Come With My LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

This is really important, and here’s why: 

Every day I hear from folks all over the U.S. who say that after taking SlimSweets, it’s like their prayers finally have been answered...

And while I’m absolutely certain that you’ll feel the same way once you try this scientific breakthrough…
I also know that in today’s society of big promises and over-the-top-hype.

Talk is cheap.

That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is…

By offering you the opportunity to try SlimSweets for yourself...

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.

Here’s How it Works…

Simply click the button you see below that says “Start My Order”...…

And order your own supply of SlimSweets right now. 

Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days from now…

I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start chewing on a delicious SlimSweets gummy twice a day, every day.

I’m positive that once you do this, you’ll feel AND see the difference SlimSweets makes right away…

And that after you’ve taken SlimSweets for the next few months…

You’ll never want to go another day without this metabolic breakthrough.

But if for any reason I’m wrong, at ANY time…

If you aren’t blown away by your experience of taking SlimSweets...
Then you don’t pay a dime.

And... this guarantee is valid for LIFE!

Simply email us at [email protected] and we’ll refund your entire order. Oh, and don’t worry — our award-winning customer service team is based right here in the US. 
And the only reason I’m able to offer such a bold guarantee...

Is because I’m confident you will be blown away by what life feels like using SlimSweets…

And that you’ll become a loyal customer and SlimSweets evangelist for life.

So really, you’ve got nothing to lose.

Seriously, this lifetime guarantee means you’re totally covered.

You’ve seen the science, you’ve seen the studies, you’ve heard from men and women who have restored their health thanks to the power of SlimSweets...

Yet you can still take as long as you like to decide if SlimSweets is right for you.

Right Now When You Stock Up 
On SlimSweets…

Right Now When You Stock Up SlimSweets…

  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • And you’ll save $177.00 on your order
  • PLUS you will receive our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Lifetime Access to the Online Communit!
  • And you’ll save $237.00 on your order
  • You’ll also get our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Online Community Access FREE

You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road,
And Which Future You Choose
is Up to You

You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road, And Which Future You Choose is Up to You

This report is now ending, so the choice is yours…

You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…
Like the incredible studies showing that the ingredients in SlimSweets can trigger automatic and effortless fat loss...

Or the simple fact that right now, as you read this, people all over the world are using SlimSweets to turn back the clock on their aging metabolism.

This is your opportunity to join thousands of folks just like you…
To level the playing field...

And to opt-out of the normal aging process so you can age younger and healthier instead. 

Now if the choice you make is to not take action today…

Then there’s no hard feelings, and I wish you all of the best…

But just think about what life will be in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Imagine the next time you’re lying awake in bed, late at night...

Beating up on yourself because you still haven’t lost the weight...

Ashamed to be seen in tight-fitting clothes…

Or pose for a selfie with your friends and family...

And terrified at the prospect of getting back on the wagon one more time…

Just to fall off again.

When that happens, won’t you think back to this moment…

When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of SlimSweets at a huge savings…
While there were supplies in stock…

And feel just a tiny bit of regret that you didn’t try this breakthrough risk-free today?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I would strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…
Which is to say “YES” to SlimSweets right now…

To click the button that says “Start My Order” and claim your supply of this cutting edge breakthrough…

While it is available to the public, and while I do have bottles on hand.

Your decision today is covered by a full LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee…

So you have nothing to lose…

And a brand new lease on life to gain.

Of course, the decision is yours..

But I have faith you’ll make the right choice.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…

And I look forward to hearing about your success using SlimSweets.

God Bless,
Kriss Berg

If you’re like me and like to skip to the end, here’s the deal:

SlimSweets is the ONLY weight loss gummy specifically formulated to fix your metabolism.

So you can enjoy all favorite foods guilt-free and still shed pounds effortlessly.

Plus it can also curb your cravings so you never feel like you're a slave to food.

It's so easy and delicious, you can pop one when temptation strikes.

Sweet tooth?  Pop a gummy.

Intermittent fasting? Pop a gummy.

Hunger pangs raging? Pop a gummy.

Energy lagging?  Pop. A. Gummy.

It's all you need to make those pounds simply fall off and still enjoy life without restrictive dieting.

Just imagine being able to eat whatever you want without an ounce of it sticking to you for the rest of your life...

That's exactly what's waiting for you on the other side.

So click the button below and start your order now.

Right Now When You Stock Up 
On SlimSweets…

Right Now When You Stock Up On SlimSweets…

  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • And you’ll save $177.00 on your order
  • PLUS you will receive our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Lifetime Access to the Online Communit!
  • And you’ll save $237.00 on your order
  • You’ll also get our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Online Community Access FREE

“Why Should I Choose SlimSweets?”

and other frequently asked questions answered below:

Right Now When You Stock Up 
On SlimSweets…

Right Now When You Stock Up On SlimSweets…

  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • And you’ll save $177.00 on your order
  • PLUS you will receive our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Lifetime Access to the Online Communit!
  • And you’ll save $237.00 on your order
  • You’ll also get our Fast Track to Fat Loss System and Online Community Access FREE

Transparent Ingredients Supported By Honest Studies

1. Levine JA, Eberhardt NL, Jensen MD. Role of nonexercise activity thermogenesis in resistance to fat gain in humans. Science. 1999 Jan 8;283(5399):212-4. doi: 10.1126/science.283.5399.212. PMID: 9880251.

2. Salans LB, Horton ES, Sims EA. Experimental obesity in man: cellular character of the adipose tissue. J Clin Invest. 1971;50(5):1005-1011. doi:10.1172/JCI106570

3. Trayhurn P. Origins and early development of the concept that brown adipose tissue thermogenesis is linked to energy balance and obesity. Biochimie. 2017 Mar;134:62-70. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2016.09.007. Epub 2016 Sep 10. PMID: 27621146.

4. Lennerz BS, Alsop DC, Holsen LM, Stern E, Rojas R, Ebbeling CB, Goldstein JM, Ludwig DS. Effects of dietary glycemic index on brain regions related to reward and craving in men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 Sep;98(3):641-7. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.064113. Epub 2013 Jun 26. PMID: 23803881; PMCID: PMC3743729.

5. Sampey BP, Vanhoose AM, Winfield HM, et al. Cafeteria diet is a robust model of human metabolic syndrome with liver and adipose inflammation: comparison to high-fat diet. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011;19(6):1109-1117. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.18

6. Lindeberg S, Berntorp E, Nilsson-Ehle P, Terént A, Vessby B. Age relations of cardiovascular risk factors in a traditional Melanesian society: the Kitava Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Oct;66(4):845-52. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/66.4.845. PMID: 9322559. 

7. Johnston BC, Kanters S, Bandayrel K, et al. Comparison of Weight Loss Among Named Diet Programs in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Meta-analysis. JAMA. 2014;312(9):923–933. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.10397  

8. Sugita J, Yoneshiro T, et al. Daily ingestion of grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta) extract increases whole-body energy expenditure and decreases visceral fat in humans[J]. Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology, 2014, 60(1): 22-27.

9. Sugita, J., Yoneshiro, T., et al; “Grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta) extract activates brown adipose tissue and increases whole-body energy expenditure in men”; British Journal of Nutrition; (2013) 110(4), pp. 733–738;

10. Cangiano C, Laviano A, Del Ben M, Preziosa I, Angelico F, Cascino A, Rossi-Fanelli F. Effects of oral 5-hydroxy-tryptophan on energy intake and macronutrient selection in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1998 Jul;22(7):648-54. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0800642. PMID: 9705024.

11. Rondanelli M, Opizzi A, Faliva M, Bucci M, Perna S. Relationship between the absorption of 5-hydroxytryptophan from an integrated diet, by means of Griffonia simplicifolia extract, and the effect on satiety in overweight females after oral spray administration. Eat Weight Disord. 2012 Mar;17(1):e22-8. doi: 10.3275/8165. Epub 2011 Dec 5. PMID: 22142813.

12. Natarajan, T.D., Ramasamy, J.R. & Palanisamy, K. Nutraceutical potentials of synergic foods: a systematic review. J. Ethn. Food 6, 27 (2019).
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Fitera is a small, family-owned company based in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
 You can find us at 1990 Depew Street #140690 Edgewater, CO 80214..
1990 Depew Street, Edgewater, CO 80214